

Thrum of rain

As I type, the thrum of rain, the radio, the cat and dog all keep me company. I should be, at this point, getting ready for work however on a Tuesday I work for a private garden rather than the walled garden so I am able to move my working hours around the weather. 

Oh the deliciousness of getting back into bed with a mug of tea and the laptop and listen to the rain for that extra hour and know I can spend a the rest of the morning quietly with myself as I potter around the house. 

A few days ago, after another much needed band of rather heavy showers, I took my camera and the dog out into the garden and captured raindrops on the foliage and flowers. It was not until I downloaded the images and realised the wonderful refraction qualities of some of the droplets.

Thank you everyone for your generous congratulations for Youngest and his lovely girl - they are having a well deserved break at the moment before they launch off again. 

I remember having that energy (once!!)🤣 

Himself and I have some time off later this month - really looking forward to getting on to the hills and doing lots of walking (and sleeping) and of course taking photos.
Finally after a bit of meandering, a rather fuzzy image of a lovable furry face. We call these snoot shots and strive to 'get that perfectly bulbous schnozzle photo' although it often requires the subject not to wriggle or suddenly get camera shy. 
Unfortunately my mug of tea and that extra hour have gone although the rain is still steadily falling - I might just put the kettle back on ..... ooh what a devil! This unexpected bit of down time is absolutely delicious and I shall make the most of it - enjoy your Tuesday and I hope you have time to savour a moment of 'you-time' with a mug of your favourite brew xxxx


  1. Such beautiful refraction, do you still ever use that wonderful crystal globe for photography?

    I hope your private garden will have dried up a bit by the time you get there - this morning we had not just the thrumming rain but some lightening and thunder too. Oh well, at least the ponds are nicely topped up 😆

    1. I do!
      Not recently to be honest, that was coz my then camera and I did not get on at all! However, my new one and I are on a bit of a 'love fest' so I think I shall dig out the refraction globe and we three shall embark upon a photographic jolly!

  2. The rain only left us an hour ago..but 24 hours of light steady rain will have done everything good, even though the accompanying wind is worrying.
    Moss's schnozzle is lovely!!x

    1. We never really had a lot of wind but certainly lots (but not enough to fill rivers or reservoirs) of rain. The gardens are much happier but I suspect the water aquafers are still rather low

  3. I've nearly forgotten what rain looks like!
    You've captured some lovely photos of raindrops

  4. So lovely to have time to yourself. We have no rain here apart from a couple of spots the other day. The grass everywhere is brown and dry and bushes are dying. I love the snoot shot.

    1. It was lovely that quiet restful morning - we had more rain overnight and we seem to be greening up again

  5. Lovely peek into your downtime. Glad you've had some much needed rain & hello dear Moss. I remember that cute nose sniffing my hand. Not raining here yet, but forecast for later, though quite gusty wind now (mid-morning). Take care & hugs.

    1. Hope your gusty wind and rain were not too bothersome :) xx

  6. Rain, so much rain, but it was desperately needed.
    Great photographs. Xx

    1. It was - and still is, but not in big chunks but in long steady and deep to fill the ground aquafers xx and thank you :)

  7. Thank goodness the rain/very fine drizzle stopped; it was the very wet type of rain. I had to stay indoors and do craft work since I could not get out and play..... love your raindrop photos, especially the ones one the green leaf (?). Fancy Moss not sitting still..... x

    1. The green leaf is a crocosmia leaf! And yes - silly me expecting a wriggly, waggy and goofy dog to sit still!🤣🐾

  8. You've captured the raindrops perfectly! The succulents look like sea anemones! xxx

  9. We've had some downpours...usually whilst my washing is on the line! x

    1. Yes we've been caught out a couple times too!

  10. Love the pictures...especially the pooch!

  11. Fabulous photo's!! The raindrops on the flowers are great and I see what you mean about being reflective. Looks like we may get rain here today, which means I won't need to get out and mow, lol. If I were energetic I would rush out and mow before it rains...but it's Friday, end of the week and time to slow down a bit, I think. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Sandy - and I am with you - it is the end of the week - time to have a bit of a rest - the lawn will be waiting for you tomorrow hahah!

  12. Moss is a snout snozzle shot natural :) How gorgeous those rain drops are on the crocosmia! x


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