

Twenty two

Sitting contemplating life at the grand old age of two and a half 
at the delightfully named 'Burblethwaite' farm in the lake district

 Aah Tuesday - hello. Not seen you around for about a week.....

Tuesday - you have a significant date today - there are other Tuesdays TBH (51 of them to be precise) and they are probably as interesting and as important. But today, 22 years ago Youngest was born.

Wee babbie C on the beach with bigger bro C in the background

22 years ago yesterday I helped carry a dining room table across a small town centre back home not long after we'd returned from Africa. Being, what felt like a huge whale sized pregga-saurous, was not going to prevent me adopting this table which was about to be thrown away.

Then in the afternoon I visited a friend at a large child friendly park so that Eldest who was only two and a half could play with her slightly older toddler. I felt weary and fed up and when Eldest fell off the mini sized play equipment yet again and howled like a bereft wolf cub with grazed knees, I decided to take him home.... only to find that I had locked the car ... with my keys inside .... and I could see them..... hanging there..... inside the car.... which was locked.

Stormy skies on Traigh beach, Ardnamurchan

My friend, who'd parked in a different car park had already gone and besides, I couldn't ring her - neither of us could afford cell phones then. I remember resting my forehead on the glass of the door window, with a small and sticky hand in mine, staring at the offending keys in the ignition.

So, with a tear-stained child in tow, I found a wire coat hanger in the undergrowth, unravelled it and managed to force it through the rubber window seal, then pull the handle enough to open the door. It 'only' took me twenty minutes, tears of frustration from both of us, nettle stings and when I finally broke into the car - not so much a happy jig of triumph - more a desperate sigh of relief. I just wanted to go home.

12 hours later - Youngest was born two weeks early. 

Happy birthday love - you still know how to make an entrance!!!

All the photos are of an ickum-bickum-Youngest - sadly due to the temperamental vagaries of laptops and computers dying and me not keeping back up copies (I do now!) - I have very few of him (digitally) of him as a wee babbie.


  1. Thank goodness you managed to get into the car! And glad that all was okay at the end, though you could have done without the stress!

    1. It was all ok in the end - but I suspect the stress of it all actually brought Youngest on early😬🤣

  2. Good and justifiably vivid memories!!
    Yes, old photos need going through, scanning and sharing...there are so many!!

    1. I was going through my digital images to find suitably 'cute' ones and was surprised at how many 'nothing' images I have - so I need to have a tidy there too!

  3. How lovely. I'm just the same with photos - I console myself by saying that we can't hang on to anything for ever - paper or virtual - but we always have our memories
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thank you Alison - and yes I agree re; we can't keep everything for ever and memories make it so much better!

  4. I remember that well. Still have the dining table, now in the attic for when we have to downsize. I do have new baby pictures for you. Saw them to remember where. Happy birthday Youngest Grandchild. What a lovely young man he has grown into, you should be very proud of him. xxx 🎂🍰🥂❤️

    1. I have quite a few images of him when we took analogue photos, but very few digital, and I was being lazy and using those rather than digging out the photo albums!
      and yes - we are!

  5. What lovely photos of your youngest and Happy Birthday to him. My eldest was 22 in March this year and it's shocking how quickly the years fly by. My youngest is 11 and suddenly my baby is about to start secondary school! I am old fashioned,as my girls are always telling me, by using a camera rather than my phone, and putting my photos in albums of which we have a copious amount!

    1. Thank you - he was a cutie - a butter would not melt in his mouth - kinda boy - but you definitely had to keep your eye on him! He has grown somewhat and is still 'naughty' and gets away with everything!

  6. I imagine rather less fun to live through than listen to.

  7. With time the stress of it all seems anecdotal - just another story leading up to the birth of my second son haha

  8. Happy birthday to youngest & hope he had a lovely day. My oh my, that day 22 years ago will definitely be remembered by you. He was certainly a handsome young toddler. Take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you! He was a 'butter would not melt in his mouth' kinda mini-monster!!

  9. Belated birthday wishes to your beautiful boy! What a gorgeous baby he was! xxx

    1. Thank you - he was a cutie - now he is a lanky loon but still very loveable!

  10. Belated Birthday wishes to your youngest! What a cutie! X

  11. Twenty-two years full of memories, so many memories. Love your story of his entrance. May there be many more stories of him and let's not forget Eldest! xx

    1. Can never forget Eldest! and 22 years which flashed by with a blink of an eye


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