

Celebrating an autumnal glow

I have mentioned recently how I am finding the ending of this year a little harder than usual, so after a severe talking to myself, I am trying hard to feel positivity and joy at the seasonal downturn. It does certainly help that the sun is shining and it is still warm and bright.

So, in celebration of autumn, I would like to share my 'alter' to autumn and my walk to collect my little treasures.

 The brilliant red haws against the blue sky, leaves of autumnal hues, mushrooms and the unexpected and delightful last flowers from the achillea and honeysuckle. The crunch of dried leaves, the slip of damp wooden footbridges.

Then, home again for tea and the last pieces of Devon apple cake.



  1. Lucky you seeing blue skies - not a glimpse of blue nor the sun again today! Grey skies sap my energy :(

  2. Your autumn altar is a lovely idea! Here the sunshine has left us for the time being and the light levels have been very low indeed - definitely time to light candles and fairy lights :) x

  3. Lovely Autumnal pictures. Love the autumn effect indoors too. X

  4. Ernst a great way to deal with autumn. From my point of view I am a day, every day, nearer spring!

  5. Could be called "ode to autumn", but think of it this way! If we didn't live somewhere with four seasons, we wouldn't see the beauty of so many different times, ie. hot hazy days, spring flowers, snow & frost, making for cuddly days in front of the fire and the beautiful crisp colours of autumn. Am I sounding silly?
    Anyway loved the still life and take care.

  6. Glad to know that you are feeling a bit better. Loving the warmth and welcoming of your homey autumn space. Your outdoors photos have such a nice crispness about them today. These two sets of photos complement each other and together bring out such a true sense of autumn. I do love the seasons! I so enjoy living with them.


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Hawthorn x

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