

Counting again...........3


You know when it is December.

When the bun tin baking tray gets used almost on a daily basis.
When Himself and the boys try to eat themselves a mountain sized pile of home made mince pies through the month.
When a tally sheet goes up and every pie is religiously marked down.
When the boys check how much their dad has munched and groan at his ability to devour endless amounts.
When, by the 31st December, they are so heartily sick of the sight of them that it takes almost a full year to prepare for the next munch-a-thon!

I love the dramatic colours a dark stormy sky can give when there are flashes of sunshine between the heavy clouds. We had been walking on such a day, with one eye on the sky and waterproofs at the ready, when I spied this lovely old road sign. So many signs have been replaced by modern generic variants. They seem to have no soul (listen to me - talking about road signs having souls!) But, when you see an old one, with it's cast iron circular name place astride a black and white metal pole - you'll know what I mean. 

Some are rusty and almost lacy thin with flaking lead paint while others are proudly repainted annually and look resplendent in their glossy coats. 

Another old finger-post. However, this one seems to have lost the village name topping and has the ubiquitous rusty streaks.

Yesterday I mentioned finding a white-washed stone, here, another one lies at the base of the stone scree, and what a mighty fine pile of stones!

This summer we delighted in our first holiday on the pendulous lump of mainland Scotland that is the delicious Kintyre. We explored all around the coast line from the white sandy stretches on the west side with the most heavenly blue seas to the wild and remote feeling east side. It was on a wet and windy day when we chanced  upon the village of Skipness and it's 13th C castle. We walked through the grounds, drenching our feet and soaking our trouser legs. All through the wooded area were rain sodden orienteering markers, we knew how they felt as by the time we returned to the car, rain had seeped through our very bones and we were very cold. It had been however a wonderful walk and one we fully intend on doing again - but possibly on a very much drier day!

And to help you get your chrimbly mojo on - how about a little Mariah Carey and All I want for Christmas!


  1. I think we need a running total of consumed mince pies. Love the 3's. xx

  2. I have to keep my baked mince pies in the freezer as otherwise I would eat them all; no thanks, I do not need any help to eat them!


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Hawthorn x

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