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4th December

February this year I had surgery on my knee - this photograph is from my first 'big' walk 8 weeks later. I was scared,so very scared - worried my knee would not be able to 'stay the length' but it did and we are still walking.

Knee and me, we still have days where we don't get on, I want to move, it refuses. I have days when it flicks or jigs without any warning or sulks in it's own little world. My knee gets mood swings and headaches. But, we still walk and we fully intend, knee and me, to walk until we can walk no longer.

Steep slopes have a special torture of their own, knee trembling torture. My knee always breathes a sigh of relief (as do I) when we get down a slope without too much pain. Whitby, full of steep slopes and cobbles uneven and ancient hold particular terrors for my knee but when, once home, knee and I come to terms with the creaking and the aches and feel justifiably proud that we managed.

Only 4 miles to go, only 4 miles before we can sit down in the car and warm up as Himself drives us home. There is something satisfying about a good day's walking - tired but a good tired.

Something different for a chrimbly track? How about The Darkness Christmas time - don't let the bells end

I have been crafting, but work is keeping me very tied up so I will show and share some time soon.

It's nearly Wednesday - only a few days left before I change jobs - ooerr!!


  1. What a beautiful walks you take, in spite of the unfriendly knee. It is a sign of good character to not be held back from something inspiring and uplifting (and knackering) as 'exercise with benefits'. I do believe I am quite jealous lol.
    Good luck on the new job, it will be an adventure!
    Susan x

  2. My knee aches in sympathy just looking at the photograph of Dove Cottage. Brings back memories of climbing similar steep roads in neighbouring Robin Hood's Bay. xx


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