

Ta da-a!!

It's finished and it's on his head!  I tried his hat on a couple of times as I was going along and it is so-oo-oo snuggly and warm and yumscious and I just might have to cast another one on!

Happy? Yup, we both are :)

And to celebrate, I did a bit of super quick baking - 3 oz of butter, 2 oz sugar, 41/2 oz plain flour, rub together until crumbly crumbly then press into a circular baking tin and put in a hot oven (180 deg) until gently brownily-gold on top -about 10 minutes-ish.

Whilst cooling, prick in a pattern, cut into 'petticoat-tails' and then having decided that as delish as short bread is................melt chocolate and drizzle (a bit too generously in places) on top.

 Eat - feeling guilty at the probably calorific damage each one can cause but lick your fingers and hmmmm hmmm and hmmm as you pick off the crumbs and eat them too..............

PS in my defence, I only ate one (promise!) and the boys (all three) finished off the other 7 between them.

Aaah - yum yum.

All gone.

Thank you all for your comments and thoughts as I waffle on, it is lovely to hear what you have been up to as you go along your day.

So - what naughty things have you eaten recently? (Lovely Lady - I am looking at you!)
What  'ta da-as!'  have you to declare?
Hope you all are as warm and cozy as Eldest in his Iceland-hat !
And if you have any warm hats to reveal (art teacher girl!?!) - I would love to see them :)

with love hawthorn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Hooray, I'm so glad he has a hat (love the photo of him playing on the computer with the circulars on .. I expect he didn't even notice ;) )
    Thanks for popping by to say hello, I hope you're having a great week!

  2. Have you put a camera in my house???? I am about to have a coffee and chocy bar..... besides it is so cold these days, one needs extra calories anyway!!! Nearly at a ta-da moment but you will have to wait. Guess what? It is snowing again but I do not think it is sticking!

  3. Very smart hat!
    Saw the first picture of your shortbread and though mmm! Then I scrolled down the page further and thought mmmmmmmmm!

  4. Fabulous beanie! It fits like a snuggly dream.I haven't made shortbread for ages,might just be tempted this weekend. Yours looks delish xox Penny

  5. mmmmmmmmmmmm from me too. Love the hat now it is finished - sorry the aerials have been removed.

  6. The hat looks great, lucky boy and think I may need to dash off and bak my own shortbread

  7. Hello Hawthorn
    I am very very partial to shortbread and your description here has reminded me just how quick it is to make. You see I did the unforgivable this morning and really should know better. I bought a pack of bakewell tartlets from the Uk supermarket and what rubbish ...artificial sweet rubbish. Just pure laziness really,still that and your yummy choc shortbread has been the motivation to get myself in gear and tomorrow I'll get down to some baking. Sr P will be so pleased.

    Many thanks also for your lovely comment on my previous post.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)


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Hawthorn x

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