

Ticking over.............


Catling snoozing in front of crackling fire.

Homework done, pjs on.
Computers being switched off.

Youngest wants to read me a story.

Wind still howling.
Snow still falling.

Work still busy.

And you?
What little things have happened through your day?
What little things make you smile?
And are you keeping warm?

love and blessings xxxxxxxxxx hawthorn xxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Luckily not too much snow here but oh so cold!
    Back into hand knitted warm socks and cosy clothes!

  2. I always feel very envious of your lovely fire. However warm our flat is, it is not the same as having a glowing fire to sit and toast your toes around.

  3. Thanks for asking! I am just about keeping warm; a long-planned lunch with 2 ex-College colleagues is making me smile. I promised one lady to make her some twirly tassels so have been making them today, whilst it threatens to snow. Baking scones today makes my kitchen smell lovely and then I made some tiffin too! A good combination of smells, cheese and chocolate.

  4. That all looks and sounds so cosy. The keeping warm part got difficult for a while here as we had a power cut at the weekend, but we're back to normal now and the snow is melting fast.


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Hawthorn x

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