

Crafting Ta-da!

This one has been on my to do list for absolutely ages.

We'd been gifted an unwanted copper posser and it came with an essential but grotty wooden handle which we'd never really liked.  It was crying out for some sort of happy handle happening bit it was one of those crafting jobs that I just never got around to until last weekend.
 Before - wooden pole handle
A little crochet magic, a cone of cream carpet wool and lots of glue!
After - just a simple make over. 
Nothing special, 
*HaPpy me*


  1. You've done a grand job there!
    Julie xxxx

  2. As usual clever you! I can see that being a handy object whenever someone needs a dose of discipline....

  3. What a clever girl you are. When I saw it, the first thing I thought was winding washi tape around it, as I'm just about to purchase some to put on some old jam jars, but I really like what you've done. Take care.

  4. A very creative makeover for your posser. I wonder what you'll use it for ... These old objects are fascinating, a little piece of history :)
    Cathy x

  5. A very easy, but stylish solution! Isn't it good when something gets ticked on the to-do list!

  6. That is a brilliant make-over! Very clever. :)

  7. That looks great! Good job it is narrow or else someone or two might fancy it as a scratching post!!

  8. Well, I learned something new...never heard of a posser! Hope that comes in handy with my trivia games I play! What a clever solution!! Have a wonderful rest of the week!! Best, Vicki


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