

Dolly-tubs and Possers


What a snowy-road-icy-cold-hands-frozen-toes-day it is today! Youngest was so hoping for what their school calls a 'Snow Day' where it is deemed unsafe to open and advises students to stay home. Unfortunately for him, school is 'business as usual!'

I on the other hand had today pre-booked off months ago so am at home with the fire and the cats, feeling a mixture of smug and sympathy for the boys.**

Dolly tub and washing plunger, Glamorgan, early 20th centuryFirstly thank you (again) for your lovely comments recently - it still amazes me that you are out there and take the the time to comment. It makes my heart SkiPPiTy SkiP with happiness:)

I do try and reply to your comments, especially if a direct question has been asked. Today, I thought I'd reply as part of my posting.

My crafty Ta-Da with the posser brought up lots of queries and comments, so I will chat about that.

The posser is an old fashioned clothes washing tool used like a plunger. The clothes would be put into a 'dolly-tub' a ridged galvenised steel large bucket filled with soapy water on wash-days.  The posser was then pounded up and down to 'pummel' the washing clean.  Possers often have a concave base which helps with suction, lifting the washing before being 'possed' back down again.  The word 'poss' comes from the Middle Ages and means to pound or to beat.

I use our posser as a door stop - which is why I wanted to cover the wooden handle as we lift it several times through the day - mainly to allow a cat through... they deem it beneath themselves to push the door open.
** Thank you to my 'hand-model' - Youngest (with his feet on the footstool) and yes- today did turn into a 'Snow Day' I received urgent text messages from the boys saying their bus had become stranded, a truck had slipped across the road and everyone was walking back to the village.*sigh* He got his wish!
Simplex No1 copper Victorian posser, complete with dents and green paint from the now covered handle - love it!

The posser and dolly-tub photo comes from an image from the Museum of Welsh Life as does the next image of a Welsh Quarryman's wife doing the washing in a wooden dolly-tub and posser.
Mrs George, Pontypool

Well, it is still snowing - lighter now though and the traffic is picking its way down the hill very carefully. Most folk seem to have opted to walk rather than drive.  Anyhoo - have a lovely day today - whatever your weather!



  1. Thank you so much for explaining about a "posser" I can remember by Grandparents using one, and my
    Mam somthing similar. Your posser definately looks better with it's coat.

    We had snow first thing, but it's now melted.


  2. Enjoy your day. No snow here - thankfully! x

  3. Thank you for the fascinating explanation! Snow was manic here about an hour ago, visibility down to around 10ft!! Suzy x

  4. Thank you for your lovely old photos, although I knew what it was, I'm wondering if you use it? (for whatever). Sorry the snow mucked up your day off. Take care and stay warm.

  5. Just some flurries of snow here that didn't settle, but pretty cold nevertheless. I liked your piece on the history of your posser and I love the old photos of domestic life - fascinating :)
    Cathy x

  6. We had a very snowy day yesterday - at one point I thought we were going to be snowed in, which hasn't happened for a couple of years!

  7. Fascinating! I wonder if we could bring these people back to life what they would think of our washing machines, the hardest thing we have to do is carry the washing down the stairs, load it, put the detergent in and press a button.

  8. A day later and the snow is melting very quickly. PIty as it makes the landscape look beautiful and brightens up the dull January days.

  9. stay safe and warm away from the snow x

  10. That's an impressive tool !!! Last night It was snowing for the first time .... Take care !

  11. Now you have me wanting a dolly tub! Stay warm and tell Youngest to enjoy his snow days. Best, Vicki


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