

August's photo round up

I started this post yesterday, sitting slumped on the settee having made the most of a wet and miserable Saturday.  We'd been on a major 'get-stuff-ready-for-school /uni' drive as well as buying a wardrobe for  Youngest.

That turned out to be a full on tetras-style-shifting up two floors which culminated with finding the wardrobe was 10cm too tall for his pitched roof. Gah.

Himself managed to correct the situation which required a close encounter with a circular saw. It still took some very careful manoeuvres to get it to fit ... and if we were ever to move - we would definitely have to leave the wardrobe in situ!

Any hoo - back to the photos.
You lovely lot have done me proud again! Such a wide range of interpretations and stories - you keep getting better and better :)

Wild About World - a late entry (but if she wasn't,  I would think something was amiss!) had a glorious selection and my favourite was her 'Blue', I fell in love with the evocative shades of faded blue wooden panels.

Susan - Granny Smith's Quilts - certainly thought out of the box. I loved her 'Green' she made me smile with all her road signs. I thought the UK has quirky place names but she found some really interesting ones near her home in Australia.

Tess from Driftwood also had a brilliant selection and my favourite was her final offering - My Choice - ethereal and mystical,  while Jak's Tales once again had a lovely collection featuring her very beloved 'Jak-the-cat'. My favourite was her 'Favourite', I was there to help to polish off that delicious feast! I know a lot of work went into the preparation and it was a real visual feast too:)

Fil produced a cracking list of photos and stories - I was intrigued by her image for 'Eye' of the Janus Figure on Boa Island, County Fermanagh, looks almost 'Easter-Island-ish'.

Lovely Lady of Threads through my Life definately takes the 'award' for the most thought-out-of-the-box pictures and I fell immediately for her 'My own choice' - of the heron on her porch - AmAzING!
Julie also had aN excellent selection and I loved her clever way of combining two choices with one image  ... Blue and Feet -nice one!

Sadly missing this month was my Eldest - his mind is on other things - like uni and volunteering.

And on another note ... I've reached for my paints recently.

I'm bit rusty, will need more practice - yay!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch Poldark  .. yum


  1. Hi Hawthorn, thank you for your comments on my blog. Your blog is lovely and I'm excited to be following along and looking forward to getting to know you better. Your paintings are beautiful! You're very talented. I'm planning to watch Poldark as well, when it starts showing here in two weeks (I'm in the US). I can't wait. I loved the first season so much. I hope you're having a good weekend!

  2. I love your painting, what a great idea to paint feathers. The sea urchin on slate is great too, well done! Xx

  3. Sorry I failed to join in again! I have been offline for two weeks.............hope to join in September ;)

  4. oh those paintings are exquisite x

  5. Great painting; such good ideas you always seem to have. I hope I managed to record Poldark last night.... I remember watching the original series back in the 70s and have read the books but I do like the story! The link you put in so people can take part in the Photo scavenge was an excellent idea. Off to check out the last one!

  6. Just not had time to join in with the photos this month...maybe next time. Love those feathers, what's the plan for them? x

  7. WOW! I mean, I knew you were multi-talented, but didn't quite appreciate just how much. Your paintings are stunning - I love the feathers! I can't quite tell whether you're actually painting onto the feathers themselves, or onto paper but either way, they're stunning...
    I too have missed Eldest's hunt contributions, but fully understand that he'll have plenty other exciting things on his mind.
    Much love x

  8. Beautiful feather painting, now I look forward to seeing more of your artistic work on unusual objects. Glad you are painting again. Very restful. xx

  9. Think I must have missed one or two of the photo hunt blogs, so will try and do a catch-up a little later. Your painting looks interesting. Look forward to our next hunt and maybe taking some photos whilst on holiday. Take care.

  10. I suppose you will not be at all surprised to learn that my mother was very fond of the original Poldark series while pregnant with me...


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Hawthorn x

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