

Sunday ramblings and meanderings and wafflings

Sunday was a strange humid day with a sluggish breeze and heavy clouds when we set off for our walk. It  was a 'fall-out-the-back-door-and-on-to-the-hills' kind of walk. Our village shelters in the lea of a large soggy lump of a hill and our path traversed it's boggy moorland shoulders. The 'water engineers' were keen to release the trapped puddles from the rutted path, encouraging them to flow down towards to the stream.

Mud and moorland made way for dark forests and secret pathways. We stepped into the gloom and had to wait for our eyes to adjust and as soon as they had, we could see it was a place where fungi and spiders quietly hid.
 We burst out of the forest into a marshy glade and followed the free running stream that flowed along our path, all the time being watched  by careful eyes.
And, you might wonder, what would be the best way to conclude the afternoon?
Lemon shortbread - steaming hot and straight from the oven, mugs of tea and my boys 'n me of course.

Thank you for all your lovely comments, they do mean so much to me, xxx namaste 


  1. What is it about boys and puddles? Love your spider picture and the deer watching cautiously out of the trees. xx

  2. It's not only boys and puddles you know! I like puddles and mud and I get told off.... Looks like Miss Moss is headed for stardom; her own YouTube channel beckons!

    1. Sorry, forgot about you and puddles and your cute wellies!!

  3. Mud puddles aren't always the best, especially if you take the wrong shoes with you for 'said' walk, which I did yesterday before visiting my niece and family. Some bits were quite dry and others, ooey-gooey! Love the spider pic, but don't really like spiders. It looks like it is wearing striped leggings(giggle). Hot lemon shortbread, oh, yummy. Take care.

  4. Yeay, Susan's online :) Great walk (of course), but I wish Miss Moss could talk - I would love to know what she makes of her life with you.

  5. That Miss Moss is a bouncy one isn't she?!! Another lovely ramble indeed!

  6. What a gorgeous walk. I love your spider photos, they're perfect.

  7. I am off to make lemon shortbread now!


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Hawthorn x

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