Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...

Eldest - Scavenger photo-hunt

May 2016 Scavenger Photo-hunt

A photo inspired by a word, words inspired by the photos - enjoy xx

A local graveyard, no longer used, with narrow overgrown tarred pathways. We often walk through and read the words on the gravestones.

We have been 'baby-sitting' this little fluffy thing!

Well deserved fruity flapjack after hard snowy walk.

Millepede on my Dad's hand

Local poety corner, not far from where I live.  There are poems are on the metal plaques.

My very sore and tired hands after helping my friend dig up bamboo

An old chair we repaired, already been repaired once before

At the back of the cemetary it has become very overgrown and hidden in the shadows is a WW1 grave.

View from a Window
My mum and dad in our 2CV

My Own Choice
My cat watching a fly hiding in a terrarium - look at her tail!

April 2016 Scavenger Photo-hunt

A photo inspired by a word, words inspired by the photos - enjoy xx

My mum fighting with the bamboo.

The feather is 'growing' on the wild strawberries and moss, just outside our greenhouse.

Something Fresh
My Venus Flytrap 'baby' with a fresh new 'mouth'. I'm relieved to see it has grown.

Great view, not a great breeze as it was very cold.

First frog spawn in our pond.

The traditional craft of tree house building in a huge yew tree.

All my new baby succulents growing in the greenhouse.

There must be a lot of memories in this old tractor.

After the winter floods, there are still many sticks and logs along the River Lune.

My own choice
The princess, my princess.

Scavenger photo-hunt BIG REVEAL for April is...


  1. My goodnes, I am loving all these photos and the rusty tractor should certainly have many memories. Pity they can't talk.

  2. Hello Eldest; love the photos. Hard to pick one that does it for me so I will pick 3, the sticks (memories of savage floods, amazing to witness), your Princess (aahhhhhh) and the old tractor (my Beloved would want to try to restore it so please don't tell him where it is). Here's to the next Scavenger photo-hunt.

  3. Hi Eldest, great set of images - love the first and last!

  4. A great set of photos. I love the tractor picture too. We have lots of flood debris in my area too, it's amazing the size of some of the pieces isn't it.

  5. Hi Eldest. Lovely pictures. Your succulents are doing well - obviously inherited your Mum's green fingers (though looking at the first photograph, they may well now be orange!) xx

  6. Nice one kiddo - well done, I see I have serious competition here!!

  7. The tractor has a special beauty. I am always pleased when I happen across rusting machinery on my wanderings.

  8. May photos - 'hairy' has to be the winner, that tail is amazing!

  9. Your May photos are wonderful and I love them all. Talk about pets being special, but both your "tail" photos just capture a certain moment. Well done eldest. Take care.

  10. Thanks for the cemetery photo; I walked round it briefly the other week and you have reminded me to return. Your hands looks mess and quite sore and I too am digging up bamboo! Love your cat photo, so cute! Keep these photos coming!

  11. Good selection again C, well done, my favourite has to be your Pan-cat and her tai :)

  12. I love the tails too, both the dog's and Pan. I love the way you have caught the light in the fluffy tail and the look of determined concentration on Pan's face. Lovely photographs.


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