Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


February's Five on Friday - gratitude

Morning all - my five this month are ...

friendship - I wrote yesterday on this - refinding friends and reforging friendships - precious.

Rediscovering a forgotten craft - I am needle-felting at the moment - a string of cartoon creatures and mini monsters - the rhythmic stabbing of a small waft of fleece until it turns into magical folk with their own characters really makes me happy.

A good book - just read one - a true story of survival through walking, just started another - the jury is out on this one, it may improve.

The scent of hyacinths - still filling the room with gentle ribbons of perfume although this present pot has almost reached the end of it's life, there is another waiting in the wings to fill the space.

The simple pleasure of conversation.

These - and other small gems - have made my day, my week, my life all that much better.... and you? What has made your day that little sweeter?



  1. Just make sure you confine the "rhythmic stabbing" to the fleece, and not your fingers!

    Stay safe this weekend my dear, the wind has already reached horrible (noisy) speeds here and I suspect it is not much different where you are.

    1. As I type this, no not yet, wind speeds are nothing to speak of (yet) but you can feel the tension in the air as the skies have darkened and both cats are pacing up and down. Stay safe x

  2. I keep saying this but I must have another go at needle felting.... Love your little monster. Friends are essential, to share and understand what you enjoy doing!

  3. The bear is just adorable. I've recently replaced my hyacinths as well. The fresh scent is always a reminder to me that spring is on it's way. X

  4. Did you enjoy "The Salt Path"? We read it in our book club and it really divided opinion! Arilx

  5. Needlefelting... something on the 'give it a go' list, not happened yet.
    Sweet little bear chap.

  6. I need to find a class for needle felting... it looks like such fun!

  7. Very thoughtful observations Kate. Love the little monster & something I've not tried. Another storm! Poor old Blighty. Stay safe, warm & dry. Huggles to all in your little corner.


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Hawthorn x

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