This time of the year can veer from dreary and damp to sparkly and crisp, recently it has predominantly been the former - driech and dingy and damply cold.
The colours are muted now, gone is the spring luminosity or the summer brashness or the autumnal glow, leaving a dull palette requiring sunshine to lift it or frost to give it sparkle.
This make me look inward and observe the smaller view rather than the expansive one.
Makes me see the secretive and shy.
Small and delicate pixie cup lichen quietly shelter between the rocks of a stone wall.
Enigmatic Roe deer tiptoe silently through sodden leaf matter.
Sunsets - when not washed out by rain, translucently illuminate straw-coloured moorland grasses.
The anomaly being the winter flowering scented shrubs,
this Daphne fills the lane with it's delicate and sweet perfume,
it's small blooms glowing in the low lights.
Some one who finds joy in everything - the wetter the better being top of the list .....
So, now, with the fire crackling, the lights twinkling and
my crochet blanket tucked snugly around my legs, I am warm and cozy.
Have a good Thursday and keep warm :) xxx
PS - Up until yesterday morning, the news regarding the
rescued cat had been good - the owner had been traced. It had appeared he last saw his cat in August. Unfortunately I heard the sad news that the cat, despite having antibiotics, steroids, warmth, love and food (the vet took the cat home every night to ensure wonderful all round care) began to deteriorate after a few days and the sad decision to prevent further suffering - was put to sleep. All I could think was that his last 10 - 12 days were warm and comforting, he was cared for and was fed and looked after and not out in the weather. Still sad though.