Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


A rolling Moss gathers no stones ...

With the biting wind cutting our faces, making our eyes stream rendering us temporarily blind, we briskly walked along the puddle riven track. Moss ran on ahead, constantly checking on our apparent slothlike pace. She flew along the steep heathery banks, a streak of black and white.

Youngest and I, heads bowed against the cold air, wrapped warmly but not warm enough, watched the obvious enjoyment of our silly dog. She was born for this terrain and thrives in this sharp weather. Youngest - fingers blue with cold (he'd left his gloves behind declaring he did not need them) threw sticks and a ball for Moss. Her paws, so sure footed, just carried her effortlessly.

We, still maintaining a barely temperature raising fast pace, could not keep up with her. Her face a picture of pure delight, tongue wildly flapping and ears alert, she would cross the moorland in a flash ready for the command that would send her out again.

Along the track were substantial pond sized puddles. They were no barrier as she crashed and splashed through them, grinning the biggest doggy-grin and waggy tail.  Then, at our furthest point, we took a detour and floundered our way through wet heather and cold muddy heathland. Not Moss, she rocketed along, bounding and bouncing for the sheer pleasure. Choosing to take a dip in a deeply rutted track while she waited for us to catch up ...
The bitter air, the blue fingers, the streaming eyes - all forgotten. Moss' happiness was so 'huge', we were absorbed by it too. The pale lavender grey sky, the mud, the puddles - they were all part of her joy and ours.

And now, as I paint (and blog), she sleeps and I am sure she dreams of flying, of mud, of puddles and of walks....


  1. This is the kind of post I love. Animals bring us so much pleasure doing such simple things, thankyou, you have bought a smile to my face and warmth in my heart with this lovely post.

  2. I had to smile at the no gloves...sounds familiar!

  3. I love to watch a dog in a deep sleep, their paws twitching as if still running through the fields. It sounds like the best time. I miss my dog. X

  4. Oh Moss, what fun you had even if your 'people' were freezing. There you are, not a care in the world, even lying in water filled ditches whilst others braved the cold just for you. But then I know you appreciate your family; you never stop smiling or wagging. Lucky girl. xx

  5. Almost tempts me to get a dog again. Almost. Lovely blog and photos.

  6. Well done to you two for not turning back, so she could have some fun. Youngest needs to keep spare gloves in his coat pocket. Take care & thanks for the pics.

  7. What a lovely post. Moss seems to bring you so much pleasure - & reading about her adventures brings us pleasure too.

  8. Awww bless 🐾. 🐢. ❤️.


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