Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


Be careful for what you wish for

 Remember I said ....

If I have a shower without that cat it would be a miracle?

Yesterday we buried her.


  1. After yesterday's beautiful and funny post, I am so upset to read this. RIP Pepper, you made me smile so much. x

  2. I'm so sorry. It must have been a shock for you that it happened so suddenly.

  3. Oh no Kate ... I am so sorry. I know what a huge hole they leave. I know it’s probably not much consolation at the minute but I know you will have given her the best life. Take care πŸ’œ

  4. Awww that is awful ...so very sorry to hear this Hawthorn. Tremendously sad...these furry friends so leave their mark. I thoroughly enjoyed Pepper's tale in your last post. Sad moments dear blogger friend...I feel for you! Hugs Amanda x

  5. So sorry to hear this sad news. It is always so hard to lose a furry member of the family.
    Best wishes

  6. I'm so sorry to hear this, Kate. Xx

  7. Sad to hear that. Sending a ((( hug )))

  8. I'm so sorry to read this. Sending you much love. What a character Pepper was. xxx

  9. I'm so sorry. She had a lot of personality based on your posts. I know she will be missed.

  10. Oh bless her. So sorry Kate. Arilx

  11. What a shock...RIP little pussykins. x

  12. What? Kate, I'm so sorry. Hugs.

  13. So sorry to read this Kate, it sounds so sudden. She was a lovely cat with a lot of character. RIP sweet Pepper xx

  14. πŸ’š 🐾 πŸ’š

    Emailed earlier, xxxx

  15. Ah no Kate - what happened - I'm so sorry xx

  16. I am so so sorry. She clearly had a lovely lovely life with you and I will miss seeing her on your blog and hearing about her mischievous qualities. Hugs to you. xxx

  17. Oh no... I am so sorry for your loss. They leave such huge holes when they pass over the Rainbow Bridge. ((hugs))

  18. Oh Katie, I'm so sorry to hear this. I just read your last post about her and it was precious. You certainly won't forget her, treasure your memories.

  19. Oh, Kate, I'm so sorry. Hugs to you.


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Hawthorn x

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