Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


What we did on Thursday ...

 We've been away.

Moss, Himself and I. 

We took the slow roads, walked the quiet paths, visited the lonely hills, played on the empty beaches. We breathed, we watched, we talked. We remembered how it was before us two became us four and recently up to us six. 

Our first walk - on the Thursday afternoon was warm and humid. The air was full of scent - hot bracken, warm sheep, damp soil, pine resin, tree's breath. I inhaled deeply - taking in as many of the different fragrances - filling myself up with their essence. 
As we rose up into the hills, the clouds came down to meet us. The air was thick and muggy, it felt as we were walking through warm water, swirling and rolling around us. Then the heat broke and the saturated air became fine mist - cooling and clinging. Flattening my fringe and making my eyelashes sparkle and drip warm rain on to my hot face.
We walked on through the clouds, through the damp bracken and wet grass, puddles and streams grew and gave Moss so much pleasure as she jumped into nearly every one.
Our route kept climbing upwards until we finally reached the shoulder, turning us back towards our van. We followed paths which lead us off the hills, leaving the clouds behind, returning to fields and ancient tracks, returning to Zeb for a large mug of tea and much deserved slice of cake.

Our evening was of quiet chat, planning the next day's walk, enjoying watching a sleeping dog - who had played so much and had worn herself out and was now dreaming happy dog dreams.

Falling in to bed was easy, as was falling asleep and apart from being rudely disturbed by three low flying training flights at stupid o'clock it had been a good start to our micro-adventure. 

More to follow ......


  1. A lovely start to my day. Your walk is perfectly described. Sounds like a perfect escape. B x

    1. Thank you, it was a lovely escape, thoroughly enjoyed it😊

  2. How lovely to be able to get away & such beautiful scenery. Something we may never do again if they can't get on top of things here. Lockdown forever is scary!! Enjoy, take care, stay safe & huggles.

    1. Thank you. And no- it won't be forever. Things will change and hopefully for the better, but lockdown is necessary but not forever.

  3. Love your escape. Moss is certainly in her element. More escape stories please.

    1. Thank you! And yes, there is more to come, just need to sit down and write it😁

  4. Thank you for sharing your walk so vividly. That orange sky is almost unreal. xx❤

  5. Thank you! And yes, there is more😊

  6. What a wonderful day. That sky looks incredible.
    I think I'm a bit in love with Moss, what a beauty! xxx

  7. Your words paint the pictures. Thanks.

  8. A lovely escape. Wish we could have a wee van, just a bit bigger than our Berlingo....


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Hawthorn x

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