A photograph inspired by a word, words inspired by the photos - July's Scavenger photo-hunt list - enjoy!

A few years ago, one warm and summery holiday in Northumberland, we drove over to St Abbs just over the Scottish border. It is a sweet little harbour with glorious views and we try and make an effort to visit each time. This one occasion we drove over the hills down towards the sea and were stopped in our tracks. By the site of hundreds of pigs! Huge big pink pigs in each field, each with their own pig hutch and some with piglets at their feet. We just had to stop and take photos! Including one of a roadside converse mirror, those pigs don't look much smaller than my car!
Reflection - Eldest
Driving around with my parents, sitting in the back of our 2CV.
Last weekend we walked on a lovely sunny day, throwing the most gorgeous shadows. As we started to walk over this foot bridge, I noticed the heavy striations made by the sun - voila! Perfect for 'Stripe'
Stripe - Eldest
A very handsome caterpiller we found on a path near Stroan Bridge in Glen Trool.
Why is this a secret?
Well, there is a little lane we walk on - known locally as 'old Joe's lane' with a number of split and cracked fence posts and as you walk along the way, you start to notice feathers adorning the tops of the posts. Quietly quietly, the posts are spreading their wings and learning to fly ... so why is it secret? Coz only I know who is giving the posts the ability to dream...
Well, there is a little lane we walk on - known locally as 'old Joe's lane' with a number of split and cracked fence posts and as you walk along the way, you start to notice feathers adorning the tops of the posts. Quietly quietly, the posts are spreading their wings and learning to fly ... so why is it secret? Coz only I know who is giving the posts the ability to dream...
Secret - Eldest
A barn hidden in the trees, seems just like a secret.
Why is it that red roses often don't have a scent? I did try and do a bit of research but the answers were either rather 'waffy' or too scientific and I quickly glazed over! This rose was one of many languishing over a stone wall looking glorious and sadly smelling of ... nothing!
Red - Eldest
My grandparents took my younger brother and I to the lakeland motor museum last summer, I took loads of photographs - this was fits the bill for red.
How stark a contrast - a pastural animal frolicking on the black sands near Portree Skye. It made us laugh at the time and still makes me smile when I see the images of the ewe and her two lambs as they trundled across the bay.
Contrast - Eldest
A day walking with my Dad - a contrast of weather, sunshine and snow-showers.
In the grass below Vaternish lighthouse, a length of forgotten rope. Wonder who left it there? Miles away from anywhere and a long way up the rocky coastline to be any use for anything.
Forgotten - Eldest
We saw this cottage on the same walk in Scotland as the caterpiller, it is called Dalane cottage, also in Glen Trool.
On a whim, a few cold winters ago, we joined a 'jolly out' with other 2CV enthusiasts and drove up the the 'highest pub in England' It was a long day, a long drive and despite the sun and the heating in the car on full - it was rather cold!
Cold - Eldest
My Dad and I went walking on Bowland Fell, when we were up there we found one of the war graves from an air crash. While we were up there it started to snow.
Hidden in a hedge, two wooden seats positioned perfectly to allow the walker a prime spot high up above a riding school and arena. So if you were horse-ily inclined and needed a stop, I'd recommend this one, just remember to bring something to sit on, the moss was rather damp!
Seat - Eldest
Pepper showing her 'war face'.
My own choice
My own choice - Eldest
We don't live far from Hebden Bridge and the road to get there is a bumpy narrow tarred road with reservoirs and loose sheep on the road. We drive there quite a lot.
Don't forget to leave a comment and a link if you have joined in
then we call all visit and see what everyone has been up to!
Right, I'm off to see your lovely photos - cheerio!
then we call all visit and see what everyone has been up to!
Right, I'm off to see your lovely photos - cheerio!
Great golly eldest, we've both used a photo from Lakeland Motor Museum!! I love them all, but have a few favourites, being - caterpillar, dancing sheep, seat and eldest's reflection, but they were hard to choose. Mine are on, but did have to dive into my archives a lot. Anyway, well done you two, I'll pop over to some more tonight. Take care.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos and lots of good memories. It is getting harder to pick a favourite one but I've been hard with myself and have selected your contrast one (with cold being the runner-up) and for Eldest it is seat (with stripe being the runner up).
ReplyDeleteLovey photographs, wonderful memories. Love your hidden seats and the ewe and her lambs made me smile too, so incongruous on the sea shore. Your 2CV outing with the Tan Hill rally really looks bleak and cold, even with the blue sky. Also that red rose picture is gorgeous, such detail.
ReplyDeleteELDEST'S POST: Lovely photographs again. The detail in the picture of the hairy caterpillar is fantastic. Your red car brought back memories of a fun day out together. What is it about young lambs that makes one smile? As for Pepper, she is not fooling anyone; that is not her ferocious face, she is just pretending!! x
ReplyDeleteFantastic photos as usual. I love the sheep on the beach. X
ReplyDeleteAs always, such a treat to see the images from both you and Eldest. Obviously a skilled artistic eye runs in the family :-)
ReplyDeleteThis month's favourite? Has to be Eldest's photo of Pepper!
Love the little red car.
ReplyDeleteOld roses have a scent, but the moderns don't seem too. The David Austin roses have a scent.
Julie xxxxx
I love these photos, all diverse and yet they reflect your lives in your part of the world. I really like the caterpillar photo and those galloping sheep. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteCathy x
Gorgeous photos. The one with the sheep frolicking on the sands would be a great addition to the Countryfile calendar!