Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


April's Five on Friday - Gratitude

Five on Friday - gratitude

What am I grateful for?

Every night after I have read a bit then turned the lights out, I quietly settle down and run through what I am grateful for. This small ritual has made a huge difference to me.

My family - immediate and extended, human and furry
My home - the roof over my head, the food in the kitchen, the fire in the hearth
My garden - a space to gather, to breathe and to feel refreshed -  now all the more special
The walks we do - all local and even more important now
My very precious other half


  1. Lovely Kate and so similar to mine, but I tried to vary them just a little. I'm so grateful for a roof over our heads, food to eat & just being able to hopefully sit this out in our little corner of the world with help from family, friends, blogpals and all our hobbies. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

  2. Grateful for family, although all distant.
    For Pirate and our teamwork. We are learning to not do everything together!
    For our home and garden. Lucky to have both.
    For our friends near and far, actual and virtual.
    For the chance Fate gave us of unexpected time in Aotearoa NZ.

    So much to be thankful for. But we mustn't be expected to be constantly grateful and happy.

    1. I understand what you mean by not expected to constantly be grateful and happy - it has to come naturally and not be forced, I agree. I find that if I notice the small things that have given me that smallest spark of joy - it helps me feel better with myself :) xx

  3. Concisely said! I do tend to ramble.... We've been having some lovely sunsets of late. Like your photo.

    1. thank you, yes there have been some beautiful evening skies recently, another thing to be grateful for xx

  4. My cousin survived the virus and was discharged from hospital yesterday. Arilx

    1. Oh my qoodness! - How scary and what a relief - hope your cousin continues to recover - thank you for sharing xxxx

  5. Lovely sunset, there have been some real beauties recently with the sunny days.
    So many little things to be grateful for, half a cake delivered by a neighbour this morning that she had baked, she wanted to share and to bring a smile to our face and a taste of friendship in our tummy.


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Hawthorn x

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