Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


Thank Full for those small stories

Being thankful for the small stories of my day.

The precious moment when the cat decides that she could share a corner of the bed,
then falls asleep so soundly  I can hear her gently snore.😸

Keeping the house warm as the woodburner crackles away using up waste wood from a broken fence.

The scent of a candle as it fills the air with a warm fragrance of cinnamon and ginger.

Having time to play with the loom.

Eating cheese and mushroom toasties.

Arranging a gift of yellow roses into a glass jug.

Baking a marmalade fruit cake and a tray of Silverdale gingerbread brownies for my man.

Thankful for being warm and dry and inside.☔💨

Small stories making up a large part of my day.


Thank you to the lovely Vix (from Vintage Vixen) for the link to the photo-collage site xx


  1. I like your 'gratitude' post & my blogpal Sandra does one each month too. Lots to be thankful for when we think about it when we are calm & relaxed without too much stress. Thanks Kate. Take care & hugs.

    1. Thanks Susan, yes, doing a gratitude post or keeping a gratitude diary really brings home how much there is to be thankful for :) x

  2. I love hearing a cat snore. Those are beautiful stories.

    1. Thank you 🧡 there is something rather pleasing when you can hear the cat snore!

  3. Your photos are beautiful and invoke thoughts of comfy, cozy and calm days. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Debi - it was a particularly restful restorative day indeed 🧡

  4. I’m still to try those brownies…but I feel they are getting closer! x

  5. Oh look at that snuggly cat! I love hearing them snoring!
    That's a delightful collage and I'm so glad you're enjoying playing around with that lovely website! xxxx

    1. I love a cat snore too 🧡😸 and yes I am having fun with the programme - need to post more to have an excuse to make more collages!!

  6. I still haven't made those brownies, but they are getting nearer I feel! x

    1. Definitely worth a go! (they are excellent slightly warmed with a jug of custard too)

  7. Its these little simple things that make us happy. My happy things were tulips a friend brought me, a fruit cake I made to bring to my daughter's, walking her dog and listening to the birds singing.

    1. You are so right! it is those little things that make life wonderful!💗

  8. Little things add up to a satisfying day ♥️

  9. Thoroughly enjoyed this "happy moments" post. It makes me feel a little guilty that I don't pay more attention more to the simple things of everyday life. Those "catch your breath" moments when we realise that life is good. keep well. Amanda x

  10. I so agree with you; the simple things that ought not to be forgotten, can bring so much pleasure and peace of mind. I'll have a play with the collage site too, when I have time! x

  11. Flowers and fireplace........so nice. I would be knitting right there while you use your loom. Staying warm, staying safe, and inside is such a good thing. I've been on count down for Spring since Fall started. Not a fan of anything winter related.

  12. A warm, cosy post.😃 Those toasties look delicious. 🧡xx

  13. A perfect montage :) I can hear the cat snoring (very cute) and feel the warmth of the log burner. Gingerbread brownies!... you have a lucky man x


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