Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


Musing in a gardening vein


Look closely - can you see? 

A lamb. This to me is proof that spring is definitely on her way!

I was working in the village today - there was a bitter chill breeze with the lightest rain.  The type that floats in the air and never reaches the ground. By the time I got to the garden, I was covered in sparkling droplets and my fringe stuck to my face.

A couple of hours clearing over enthusiastic ivy - a thick unruly carpet of tendrils strangling sculptures, shrubs and trees followed by the pleasure of planting spring flowering primula in little drifts of hopeful colour.

Then, this afternoon, another garden, windswept and wild. Moss chased the breeze and galloped up and down with a silly grin on her face with her fur being blown backwards. Sheltering beneath a large native hedge, quietly weeding and finding bulbs popping up, ferns unfurling, cyclamen emerging, all through the thick layer of mulch I piled on last autumn. They all seem so happy and vibrant and cheerful.

I also finally managed to finish the traditional stone wall I'd started in autumn, not a huge wall but a small curving one, distracting the eye from the two compost bays. The snowdrops, planted last year, are absolutely glorious. I must remember to mark the clusters which I can divide and spread - they are too beautiful to keep just in one spot.

Tomorrow's weather is promising to be vile, but who cares - I shall be working the glasshouse, I have loads of annual seeds to be sown. We need to get the 'bee garden' going before the kitchen garden bees wake up. 

Anyway, enough waffle, time to shut the laptop and go to bed. Oh - did I tell you I saw lambs? Woop woop!

And.... the vile weather has just landed, I can hear a howling hooley outside *yay* πŸ™„


  1. We made the best of the weather yesterday ... boring jobs ... jet washing and a bit of painting. We are now hunkered down for a lazy day avoiding the wind and rain πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Hunkering down was a very good plan - I spent most of my day out in it ! ha ha ha!

  2. All sounds lovely apart from the weather, the Lambs in the fields brings me great joy.

    1. Lovely to hear from you Amanda - not seen you around for aaaages! Hope you are well x Yes, lambs in a field are such a happy sight - I love seeing them running up and down in their little gangs 😊

  3. You have been busy! But being busy gardening is always a pleasure. Spring is definitely on its way, just hope the forecast bad weather is not too awful. Not seen lambs yet. Enjoy your glasshouse planting. 🍁🌻🧑xx

    1. I wouldn't mind a slightly less busy day every now and then! However I do still enjoy being busy 😊

  4. Hoolie here too πŸ˜₯

    1. It 'hoolied' all night and again most of today and is 'hooleying' again now - fed up - what happened to that lovely weather from a day or two ago?

  5. Your gardening sounds wonderful. Spring is definitely on the way. daffodils, snowdrops and celandines on my walks.

    1. Yes there are loads of spring flowers appearing and it is so encouraging!

  6. Definitely see a lamb so it wont be long now better weather and loads of green and gorgeous spring flowers. keep well Amanda x

    1. There little lambs 'popping up' every where at the moment - it is lovely! The weather at the moment is NOT lovely at all!!

  7. At last I can say I've seen more lambs in the fields. At least the weather forecast for today was right, ie lots of rain so I could tackle the jobs I'd put aside for a rainy day; one job was sewing my next quilt so not too bad a deal!

    1. I would not liked to be the lambs out on the hills today with all the rain we have had!


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