Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


Random bits here and there

Remember last year? - mind you, who could forget ......
It was the year of strange times, new things and new habits.
Like when we swapped eggs for cake.
Fruit for jam.

Well, it seems the neighbours have remembered,
coz we now have a mix of hen, goose and guinea fowl eggs
sitting in the kitchen, some of them are destined to be part of a cake (or two).
I think the request went like this ..... 'cake - any kind, not bothered, just cake, thank you'...

I have a tender arm -
a sticker to say I was a good girl,
a card to say I had an AstraZenica jab
and I am more than happy with that.
I am delighted. 
And very very grateful. 
A small pรฅske trรฆ went up a couple of days ago -
celebrating the turning of the seasons, the arrival of spring
and the beginning of new life.
The fields are full of lambs which is heart warming.
We took a short walk today, just a bit of a bimble.
I have had a madcap plan for a while, to let Moss take us, 
so which ever path she chose,
we would, on the most part - follow.
And do you know what? She took us up a path and across a field we've not walked on for over a year
and we found these. Beautifully made 'fairy doors'.

It was a surprisingly lovely walk, we have followed most of our local paths for months and months now, and if I am honest I am looking forward to fresh trails and new views. I am not complaining - we are so lucky were we are - however a new path would be a refreshing change. But letting Moss 'choose' today's walk gave us a lovely (if rather muddy) change - think I might let her take us again ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿผ‍♀️๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝ‍♂️

I am stopping now, I can feel my vaccine has triggered an immune response and I feel a little rough, so good night sleep well and look forward to the coming spring and new hope xxxxxx


  1. What a good idea - letting Moss take the lead on a walk. How nice she found a new route for you to follow. Clever girl. Our jab day too, second one for us. Sore arm, that's all. Had the Pfizer one. Hope you feel better tomorrow. ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿฆด๐Ÿฆด xx

    1. I do want to do a proper 'let Moss take us' walk - particularly as we suspect she will take us down to the nature reserve - she tried yesterday but I was not up for a long walk. I'm feeling so much better now thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Love all the different shaped/coloured eggs you've been gifted & hope they satisfy your craving for cake. Your walk sounds good & we are both feeling a little rough too from our jab & I had a shocking night's sleep, so we'll be taking it easy today too. Take care & hugs.

    1. The cake request was from our neighbour - the pile of eggs was his not so subtle way of asking! I am feeling much better post jab, slightly sore arm but a small price to pay :)

  3. I hope you feel better for a good night's sleep. Yes, I can't wait to travel a little farther afield to walk. Lovely as they are, I feel as if I've exhausted all the local trails now. X

    1. It took most of today to feel right and now all's well apart from a tender arm, I agree - local walks have been a life saver, but I am ready for fresh paths๐Ÿพ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿผ‍♀️๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝ‍♂️

  4. Good news on the jab and good girl sticker! I hope you perk up after some rest. It is a magical time of year. All the different eggs are wonderful. Happy baking. Lulu x

    1. Thanks Lulu - feeling a whole lot better this evening. I did a bit of baking this afternoon (paying off the egg debt!) and for Himself who is a bottomless pit for baking hahah

  5. Good news on the jab, and I love the fairy doors! Good path-picking Moss!

    1. I shall tell Moss you approved! (although she was a bit miffed when one or two of her choices were over ridden by us - she has a favourite place - a nature reserve with rivers and meadows - and she was making her way down there) I loved the surprise of the fairy doors too ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. We were lucky to have no after effects following our first jab. Not even a sore arm really. But we did not get a certificate! I like the idea of Moss taking you for a walk... I await the next one!

    1. Nice one, hoping my next jab will be a breeze. I definitely want to try a proper 'let Moss take us' walk, but when the weather is a little more reliable!

    2. You might need extra provisions if you let Moss take you for a walk! How long would she happily walk for it allowed to? x

    3. If we are doing a 'from home walk' she'd take us, via many streams and puddles and Wycoller, down to Ballgrove, then would be very reluctant to leave so with a bit of persuasion we would probably have to do the same walk back home via every puddle and stream and Wycoller. Her longest walk has been over 12 miles (for us) with her probably doing several times more than that. She then flops down when home, sleeps and is ready to set off again at a moment's notice!

  7. Great to hear you have had your jab. Love those little fairy doors .. it looks as if someone is about to peek out. Ah! Moss you are so gorgeous ... look forward to Moss's next walk! keep well Amanda x

    1. Thank you - yes we are very lucky and despite feeling rubbish for a while (about 24 hours) it is a small price to pay ๐Ÿ˜Š I thought those fairy doors was a lovely surprise - would love one in my garden x


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