Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


Small stories in my day

 Friday evening.

Watching the 'Wild Gardener' by Colin Stafford-Johnson a lovely Irish cameraman. We seen quite a few of his programmes and love his gently nostalgic presentation.  He waxed lyrically about the hum and buzz of the insects in his newly created wildlife garden. What I didnt know, his father was the 'Monty Don' of his day and was the first Irish TV gardener.

Eldest and his girlfriend are here for a quick visit (which is wonderful as last time they stayed, I was working and barely saw them).

Youngest has been trying to find a suit for 'The Winter Ball' at uni in December and there is a national shortage of suits - I am not joking - and has caused him some angst trying to find something that is ... a) affordable, b) in the right shade of blue he wants, c) fits him - he is tall and slender d) will arrive in time and not languish at the border or the warehouse or 'in the country of it's origin' ... I really meant it when I said there is a countrywide shortage of suits!

Downstairs is filled with the heady scent of stargazer lilies- Himself bought me a bunch a couple of days ago ... 'just because' ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’

I'm tired but can't peel myself off the settee - I might have just to 'make like the cat' and melt in to the cushions..... or I could make the effort, go to bed and curl up under the duvet - think that is the better option!

Just watched tonight's weather forecast and it sounds like winter has decided to step up.... *yay*....

nite nite xxxx



  1. I made like the cat for a while last night. Tired of these gloomy damp days I'm also looking forward to some colder weather. X

    1. Definitely be more cat - they know what they are doing when it comes to selfcare ! xx I am also fed up with this dreary weather :(

  2. If you lived anywhere near a Boundary Mill outlet Iโ€™d suggest taking the youngest there for his suit they have an enormous amount of suits and on trend.
    We watched the wild gardener, such a comforting programme. A good alternative to Momty.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lynn x

    1. Funnily enough - we don't live that far from the flagship Boundary Mill - but same issue - nothing in his size - either far too small or made for great big burly blokes! However I used their stockist list and we did a massive internet search on each one and we have found one - fingers crossed that it is 'the one'!

  3. Yay โ€ฆ nice and dry = more leaf clearing ๐Ÿ™ˆ

    1. Oh the leaf clearing - soooooooo much this year!๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜„

    2. And sooooooo late to fall ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  4. Oh yay! A new gardening programme to watch... just when I thought I'd ran out of them on iPlayer! Thank you for that :) Good luck to your son with the suit. Woolly blankets and fluffy beasts are definitely the way to go this winter. Stay snuggly. Lulu x

    1. It is a very gentle and artfully filmed programme with gorgeous wildlife close ups - a lovely alternative to the rubbish weather outside! xx

  5. The cat is sensible!
    We missed that programme..himself found the snooker!

  6. So glad you have found a suitable suit!! If this does not work out is hiring a possibility? Lovely picture of Pan and she does looks so relaxed on the settee. ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿฆด xx


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